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11/19/2012 Latest Articles:

You, Me, and the Affair
Esther Goren, MA, MFT
What to Do if Your Spouse Won't Communicate

Amy Morin, LCSW
Why Does He Push Me Away After a Good Weekend Together?
Dr. Barbara Cunningham, MFT
The 5 Levels of Attack
Barbi Pecenco, MA
Healing from the Trauma of Infidelity
Press Release
Change Your Feelings Change Your Marriage
Richard Nicastro, Ph.D.
What Happened to My Marriage? 3 Things to Consider
Lisa Brookes Kift, MFT
Marriage Counseling & Guidance from
Press Release
The Impact of Shame on Relationships
Barbi Pecenco, MA
10 Simple Ways to Make Your Partner Feel Loved
Lisa Brookes Kift, MFT
Free Marriage Counseling "Help Guide" Now Available
Press Release
Review of Marriage Fitness by Mort Fertel
Chris Hartwell, MSW

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Marriage Counseling by Lisa Kift, LMFT
Long lasting, successful marriages can be hard work and it's normal for couples to encounter rough waters at times. In fact, it's inevitable. Having witnessed all types of couples with all sorts of attitudes, I've been able to identify some things that people pondering marriage counseling should consider prior to beginning the process. If you're considering seeing a therapist, these points will help you and your partner get the most out of your time, effort and money!

Choosing a Marriage Counselor: 8 Aspects to Consider by Lisa Kift, LMFT
If your marriage is in trouble - or if you're simply looking for more effective ways to communicate with your spouse - counseling can be a great option. So how does one go about choosing a counselor?

Marriage Counseling Overview by Theresa Anderson
Marriage counseling is a valuable opportunity for couples who want to build a healthy and long-lasting relationship. It can be a worthwhile investment for the long-term, providing couples with the skills and strategies they need to manage life together in a healthy way.

Getting Married? 6 Great Reasons to Get Premarital Counseling by Lisa Kift, LMFT
Most couples spend more time planning their weddings than their marriages! With divorce rates at an all time high, it seems that couples are facing more challenges than ever in preserving their relationship stability. Lisa goes on to explain good reasons for premarital counseling and some of its benefits.

Key Steps to Success in Counseling by Dr. Noah H. Kersey Ph.D.
A well-written guide with some widely accepted principles that help lead to success in the counseling process.

Has Your Marriage Therapist Ever Been in Therapy? by Jay Slupesky, MA, LMFT.
Jay Slupesky writes about the benefits of having a marriage therapist who has done their own work in therapy.



See Our Archives for Older Articles

Effectiveness of Couples Counseling by Misty Will, MSW
Couple's counseling is based on the premise that individuals and their problems are best handled within the context of the couple's relationship. Married couples today feel increasingly isolated and are expected to manage their lives and families without the community supports that in the past were a primary resource in raising children and meeting family needs. Couples in our present culture are less bound by family traditions and are freer than ever before to develop relationships unlike those of the families that they were raised in.

Premarital counseling can help to set the foundation for a great relationship, and many therapists have experience in this area. Browse our directory to find a counselor in your area. For couples looking for premarital guidance, but not yet ready to work with a live therapist, be sure to have a look at Lisa Kift's Premarital Counseling Workbook.

Understanding Gender and Culture within the Context of Spirituality: Implications for Counselors by Sue Passalacqua and Joseph M. Cervantes
Examines roles that gender, culture and spirituality play in elements of therapeutic process. It presents an initial literature review on gender, culture and spirituality as these factors relate to shaping identities and defining one's behavior. Discussions on how these three dimensions influence the level of understanding and effective responsiveness that competent, counseling professionals need to consider in a culturally and spiritually diverse society are presented.

Showing Empathy in Your Marriage
A great way to work on your relationship with your spouse is to practice empathizing. Showing empathy can improve your communication as well as your emotional intimacy. It takes some practice at first to show empathy if it is not something you are used to, but the benefits can pay off.

An Arrangement of Marriages from Psychology Today
Presents David H. Olson's research on happy couples and unhappy couples. Basic types of marriages; Characteristics of good marriages; Characteristics of bad marriages; Stressed marriages abound; Marital partners; Seven distinct profiles of families; Complexity of marriage relationships; Weaknesses couples should address.

The Family & Marriage Counseling Directory provides access to more than just local therapists in your area. Online counseling can involve the use of a messaging or a "chat" type interface, with or without a webcam, and the therapists near the top of our online counseling page are available for this type of session.

Relationship Counseling : Safety First by Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin MS, LGPC
Therapy traditionally focuses on solving problems and, in a conflict, there is likely to be a winner and a loser. There are couples who sigh at the thought of counseling as they doubt there is any hope for resolving their differences. While some may choose to terminate the relationship, we would much prefer a couple to stay together. With a whopping national divorce rate, new methods of approaching marital conflict are necessary.

Ten Characteristics of Successful Relationships by Lisa Kift, MFT
Lisa Kift is a couples' therapist who identifies ten characteristics of successful relationships. She finds that these qualities are integral parts of a healthy relationship foundation and believes that they increase the chances of weathering the storms that life inevitably dishes out.

The Importance of Establishing a Family Budget
How well do you manage your family's budget? All of those little amounts of money you spend will add up to a lot of money over the course of several years. Whether it's a few dollars a day on coffee, a few hundred dollars each month on dining out, or a few thousand each years on vacations, it will add up to a substantial amount of money before you reach retirement.

Ten Acts of Courage For Parents of Children With Eating Disorders by Joanna Poppink, MFT
Creating a healthy family system surrounds the eating disorder child with an environment that supports her recovery. All family systems have strengths and weaknesses, and many dysfunctional families do not give rise to a child with an eating disorder. Nevertheless, while a dysfunctional family does not create an eating disorder, a family that strives to be as honest and healthy as possible can help a child with an eating disorder to heal.

How to Handle Infidelity in a Marriage by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
Dr. Shoshanna discusses the difficult problem and steps couples can take to recover from infidelity, emotional infidelity, and pornography addiction.

Saving Your Relationship: Healing from Infidelity by Lisa Kift, LMFT
For those who are not able to move past this transgression, it can represent the death of the relationship. The breach of trust is simply too much for some to bear which is completely understandable. However, for those who want to try to move past this event and rebuild their relationship foundation - there is hope. But it requires hard work and a commitment to the process.

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